Medication Procedures
Health Technician: Miral Kanafani (858) 484-6064 ext. 3203
Many students require daily medication at school as well as emergency medication such as asthma inhalers and EpiPens. Often times, students require short term medications such as antibiotics for an infection. All medications given at school require both parent and physician written authorization.
The only exceptions to this rule are sunscreen, throat lozenges, cough drops and contact lens solution which still require written authorization from parents. You may use the medication authorization form or write a note with the required information on it.
All prescription medications or any over the counter medication (such as Tylenol or Pepto Bismal) must be accompanied by the Medication Authorization form with both parent and physician authorization. Medication authorization may only be given by a physician licensed in the state of California. All physician portions of the form must be complete.
All prescription medications or any over the counter medication (such as Tylenol or Pepto Bismal) must be accompanied by the Medication Authorization form with both parent and physician authorization. Medication authorization may only be given by a physician licensed in the state of California. All physician portions of the form must be complete.
All medications must be in the original container. Prescription medications must have the students name prescription information on them. Expired medication may not be given at school. All medication will be kept locked up in the Deer Canyon Health Office.
Please make sure your child’s doctor completes the proper form before bringing medication to the Health Office. Be sure to sign and date the parent/guardian signature portion of the form.
If you have any questions about medication being given at school, you may contact the Health Office at (858) 484-6064, ext. 3203.
If you have any questions about medication being given at school, you may contact the Health Office at (858) 484-6064, ext. 3203.
According to California State law, prescription and non-prescription medications are permitted to be taken at school only with a written statement from the physician AND a written statement from the parent or guardian. The Health Office has a form available titled “Authorization for Medication Administration”.
Written information that must be provided is:
Written information that must be provided is:
- Student’s name
- The name of the medication
- Physician’s instructions detailing the date(s), method, amount and time medication is to be given
- Parent/guardian and Physician signature
This information is required for all medications including “over-the-counter” Tylenol, ibuprofen, cold/allergy medicines, etc. All medications MUST be labeled with the student’s name and above information, in the original Rx or OTC container. NO PLASTIC BAGS WILL BE ACCEPTED!