Parents » Cell Phone & Smart Watch Policy

Cell Phone & Smart Watch Policy

Deer Canyon Elementary School


Deer Canyon Elementary School accepts that cell phones and SmartWatches are a fact of life in today’s society and can enhance communication and student safety.  However, students are expected to demonstrate appropriate and respectful use of these devices while on campus. Teachers may choose to follow the general guidelines for cell phone use and/or may have a specific policy in their classroom. Please refer to teacher communication regarding any classroom-specific policies.

General Guidelines:

  • Cell phones must be turned off and in student backpacks during the school day.
  • SmartWatches may be worn during the school day, but may not be used for activities other than telling time.  
  • Students may not text, use social media, or communicate via technology during school hours (including recess and lunch)
    • Families may contact the front office if there is an emergency or a message that needs to be delivered to your student.
    • Families may consider exploring Parental Controls on student devices.  For reference, here is information about the Schooltime feature on Apple Watches


  • First Offense: Warning by teacher.
  • Second Offense: Student will provide the device to their teacher, who will bring the device to the Principal’s Office.  Student may pick up the device at the end of the day.  
  • Third Offense:  Student will provide the device to their teacher, who will bring the device to the Principal’s Office.  Parent/Guardian pick-up of device is required. 
  • Subsequent offenses will be considered and may result in additional alternate means of correction, including student/guardian conference, behavior contract, and/or further disciplinary action. 

Electronic devices and other valuables are brought to school at your own risk.   

Deer Canyon Elementary is not responsible for lost or stolen items.